Thomas Andrews

Thomas who?

Those who attend the Theory of Names workshop will know we insist on learning from the greatest (and the worst) of inventors and architects, when it comes to designing beautiful, memorable names. Fresh from our recent visit to the outstanding Belfast Titanic Visitor Exhibition and Building (see above), we were reminded that Thomas Andrews was the ill-fated Chief Designer of SS Titanic.

Lessons for great design? How about – quality inputs + quality process = quality outputs.

Maybe a little better on quality process (particularly, step 8 of Theory of Names) might have been appropriate!


Roy Keane – third winner of the Beautiful Award

What??!!!  Bonkers or what?

Beautiful?  Well, yes, we think so.  The name, Roy Keane.  It takes a bit of mind-bending, but the reason we have given it our third Beautiful award is because of its’ simplicity, directness and plainness.  Not every great name has to be a garbled mouthful of syllables. But it does need poetry.  And a certain artistry – even if it’s the Damian Hirst version (from time to time).

Roy Keane.

Roy Keane.

Say, it again.  Get the point?

From Russia with love

Over the last few days, we have been preparing some flyers for our Theory of Names workshop in September.  As we did, we recalled that when we hear a beautiful name we smile.  A beautiful name engages people.  It makes them happy.  It might even make them like the person more (true?).

But we also recalled that an amazingly beautiful name  – especially, a beautiful female name – can provoke a feeling of awe and wonder.  Have you ever silently gone “wow” when you’ve heard an amazingly beautiful name?

We read an article in the English Independent newspaper earlier today on the rise of Russian fashion industry, and surprise, surprise, the so-called top 5 people in the sector, all have pretty amazing names- 

1. The designer and wife of Russian isurance billionaire, Ulyana Sergeenko (see picture above)

2. Irina Shayk, model girlfriend of Ronaldo, who also came up on our blog entry on Superwags

3. Anya Ziourova, stylist that has worked for Katy Perry, Eva Herzigova and Monica Bellucci

4. Miroslava Duma, founder and editor of digital fashion news journal Buro 24/7 and

5. Mikhall Urzhumtsev, CEO of Melon Fashion Group, Russia’s most successful fashion retailer.

So if you want to start a trend or a movement, maybe spend a few minutes getting the names right first?

What do you think? 

Kate or Pippa?

Of course, we all love the Middleton sisters – gorgeous, trend-setters, clever, fun and beautiful.  Some have their favourites, for particular reasons known to them.

But who has the more beautiful, memorable name?  Their full names are-

Catherine Elizabeth “Kate” nee Middleton and

Phillipa Charlotte “Pippa” Middleton.

Which is your favourite?  if we applied our Theory of Names process to their names and awarded each an average weighted score based on the key steps and features of the process, we would give them each a score of-

Kate – 8/10 and

Pippa – 9/10.

What would your scores be?


We think Joy is one of those beautiful classic, symbolic names we talk about in Theory of Names that is often overlooked (and under used).

When we did a search on it this morning, we only came up with the super-cute Hannah Joy Gosselin (see above) from the tv show “Kate plus eight.”

Surely there are more – do you know know any children called Joy?

Wags & Superwags

We observed with interest the article in the Sunday Times Style supplement of 24 June on the emergence of the SWAG (short for “Superwag”). The feature proposed the new breed of WAGS (“Wives And Girlfriends of Soccer players) were different – independent, successful, stylist, and single-minded. Those in the former catgeory may disagree with the distinction but we were struck with the beauty and memorability of the SWAG name (if fact, we wondered if it was necessary to have a beautful name to become one!) i.e.

Sara Carbonero – see picture above – (respected spanish sports journalist, girlfriend of Iker Castillas)

Tatiana Golovin (pro tennis player, girlfriend of Samir Nasri)

Sarah Brandner (German model, dates Bastian Schweinsteiger)

Christine Bleakley (tv persenter, girlfriend of Frank Lampard)

Shikira (popstar, girlfriend of Gerard Pique).

Indeed, we felt if having a beautiful name was a ticket for becoming part of this elite set, should the set not create a more beautiful name for themselves (Cougars, Aristocats etc.)?

For instance, how about the “PEMAPS” (Popstar Entrepreneur Model Athlete Partners of Soccer/Sports stars)??

What do you think – what name can you come up with?

According to Steve (1)

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
–Steve Jobs

Name Creation as Spiritual Practice

Our goal for Theory of Names was to replicate the intuitive process of creating beautiful, memorable names using a systematic, structured process.

We realise in doing so, we were trying to achieve the impossible – to understanding and replicate the mystical, the magical and the unknown. We intuitively recognise beautiful names but understand beauty is contextual and subjective. When somebody says “oh, that’s a beautiful name!”, we know they perceive art, harmony and music – what buddhists refer to as “nature of mind.”

Sogyal Rinpoche, in his ground-breaking book, “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying” talks about inspiring the divine within ourselves when beginning mediation – the divine we see or hear in a beautiful piece of music, when admiring a breath-taking view of the ocean, when witnessing a child’s natural smile, when reading poetry or reflecting on a favourite line of scriptures.

We see poetry in names too and hope our ideas helps inspire you to create beautiful names for your children.

What inspire you to create in your life? Do you have a favourite inspiration that helps you on a consistent basis? Is there a place, a thing, or a memory that transcends the everyday?

Or a name?

No. 1 Baby Naming Trend

First, to be clear, we are not fans of lengthy discussions regarding baby naming trends and pop-polls on name popularity and name fashion. We understand why this happens and enjoy analysing underlying societal shifts and petterns but generally baby naming trends are not really our cup of tea (that’s why we developed Theory of Names).

That being said, we are aware of the one major cross-atlantic trend influencing both boys and girls names for at least the last three years – being the adoption of classic, 60’s vintage names (we call them “Power Flower” names). Take for instance, Bruce Willis’s “Mabel”, Charlotte Church’s “Ruby”, Lily Allen’s “Ethel Mary” and not forgetting the highly-popular middle-name “Rose” (including my own daughter).

Here’s some brief lists of some other Power Flower names we have observed recently, both Stateside and in UK/Ireland-

US Boys – Ricky, Jeff, Danny, Wayne, Randall, Lawrence, Curtis, Jay, Dean, Randy, Craig and Todd

US Girls – Lisa, Kimberly, Donna, Michelle, Deborah, Tammy, Pamela, Lori, Laura, Barbara, Angela, Tina, Melissa, Dawn, Kelly, Shirley and Melody

UK Boys – David, Robert, Mark, Richard, Steven, Charles, Daniel, Kenneth, Anthony, Gregory, Eric, George, Keith, Terry and Walter

UK Girls – Audrey, Elaine, April, Helen, Yvonne, Heather, Dorothy, Joanne, Gail, Rita, Ruth, Vera, Cynthia, Beatrice, Eleanor, Charlotte, Sandra, Peggie and Grace.

So what are your favourites? What names are missing?

Marcia Cross – winner of our inaugural Beautiful Award

The Beautiful Award is our mini-version of the Oscars, for the creation of beautiful, memorable names; and our inaugural award winner is (drum roll….) – “Desperate Housewife,” Marcia Cross (Hooray!!).

In addition to having a beautiful real name and the most memorable of the Housewife names (a.k.a. Bree Van Camp), Marcia has the distinction of giving her twin girls, beautiful names too-

Savannah Cross

Eden Cross.

Congratulations Marcia Cross!

Ivy Blue

We think Beyonce may have started something by giving her daughter a colour-based middle name.

We also wondered,  if we applied Theory of Names for creating a few potential sister-brother names for little Ivy, what we might come up with.  How about-

Mabel Orange

Jill Brown

Sarah Pink

James White

Tracey Primrose

David Tulip

Brooke Mustard

Jessica Red

Which are your favourites?  What alternatives do you suggest?